839 N MAGNOLIA AVENUE Orlando, FL 32803

Property Site: http://tour.corelistingmachine.com/home/AH3E23/839-N-MAGNOLIA-AVENUE-Orlando-FL-S5032453
839 N Magnolia Ave - Can be combined with adjacent properties (845 N Magnolia Ave & 110-114 E Marks St)to create 4 Parcel Assembly with Re-Development Potential of 20 Stories and 296 Units.Ray Design Developments concept design MOSAIC is a mixed-use project with multifamily and hotel as the primary uses along with an eating and drinking establishment on level 1 which is available to the general public. Because the project has alternate uses comprising at least 10% of the total building area along with other city desired features it will likely qualify for a Density Bonus as described in the Zoning Analysis. The current design has 19 stories with 256 units (152 Residential Apartments and 104 Hotel Suites) however the final height, uses and density are all subject to change per the preferences of a future Buyer and their development team. The maximum residential density for the assembly with a Bonus is 296 units. The maximum non-residential density for the project with a Bonus is 258,720 sf. The site is in a diverse neighborhood with close proximity to Lake Highland Prep, Marks Street Senior Recreation Complex, One Orlando Centre as well as many unique local restaurants, coffee shops, bars and more. Lake Eola, Thornton Park, Publix and more are only a short bike ride away. The AC-3A zoning offers a multitude of permitted uses including residential, hotel, office, medical office, hospital, eating and drinking establishments, retail, personal services, event venue and more. The 4 Parcels 839/845 N Magnolia Ave and 110/114 E Marks St) are Available and For Sale. The Owners of the properties will also consider Joint Venture Opportunities where the land is contributed in exchange for financial compensation and a Carried Interest/Ownership Position in the constructed project. For Additional Information regarding the property or to submit a Purchase or Joint Venture Offering please contact Diamela Atencio of ReMax Premier Properties. Please know Brian Ray of Ray Design Development is available upon request to speak with Buyers, JV Partners, and their Representatives upon request to help clarify questions or provide additional information regarding architecture, Zoning, Density Potential, City Process or other related items of importance. Zoning Analysis Property Address - 839/845 N Magnolia Ave & 110/114 E Marks St Orlando, FL 32803 Property Area - 32,340 sf (0.74 Acres) Property Dimensions - 147-0 x 220-0 Property Zoning - AC3A (839/845 N Magnolia) & MXD-2 (110/114 E Marks Note 1) Stories - 20 Stories (Note 2) Building Height - Per FAA (Note 3) Front Setback - 0- 0 (Note 4) Side Street Setback - 0-0 (Note 4) Side Setback - 0-0 (Note 5) Rear Setback - 10-0 (Note 5) Impervious Surface - 0.95 Upper Story Setback - N/A Protected District - N/A Permitted Uses - Multifamily Hotel Office Eating/Drinking Retail Medical Mixed Use Density - Residential 200 Dwelling Units/Acre or 400 Dwelling Units/Acre with Bonus PLEASE SEE BROCHURE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Bathrooms: 0.00
Square feet: 2,962
Price: $1,469,050

For more information about this property, please contact Diamela Atencio V. at 407-729-9421 or info@DiamelaatencioV.com. You can also text 6124686 to 67299 (Message and Data Rates May Apply, see terms and privacy policy).

MLS ID: S5032453


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