What Qualities Do Top Central Florida Real Estate Agents Share?

 If it’s the first time you have ever bought or sold a house, don’t fret if you’ve found yourself procrastinating—who wouldn’t? Most people are at least temporarily paralyzed by the immensity of the undertaking. The same applies to many of Central Florida’s current homeowners whose last real estate foray happened years ago.  
Even so, veteran home buyers and sellers have the advantage of knowing that Job One is to establish a trusting relationship with an experienced Central Florida real estate agent. Experienced folks may do at least some preliminary groundwork—checking out the current crop of properties being offered—but in the end, they know how the single step of teaming with the right agent accomplishes the vital job of removing the guesswork from all that follows.  
The tricky part is identifying the right real estate agent. There’s no shortage of how-to articles on the subject—but in truth, the qualifying factors are simple, logical, and uncontroversial. They break down like this:
  • Experience. Top agents have piloted their clients through these familiar waters many times. They see snags before they arrive—and steer clear of them.
  • Energy. Top Central Florida agents are the real estate equivalent of the Energizer bunny. In the abstract, buying and selling homes is a paperwork job. In reality, it’s that and a non-stop, out-there-in-the-field profession.
  • Teamwork. A true team player is called for because top agents are flexible enough to be able to follow the direction of the client (you: the team captain) while working harmoniously with the full roster of other local Central Florida professionals. They will ultimately include Central Florida tradespeople, fellow real estate brokers and agents, financial industry pros—as well as the regular Central Florida citizens who make up the other side of the transaction.
When you have found the Central Florida agent whose credentials fit the above, there is really only one more qualification to demand: he or she must be easy to get hold of—and easy to talk to (the word “sympatico” comes to mind). You’ll know when you find the right agent. 
For starters, there is one surefire way to conquer the urge to procrastinate: give me a call!      

Prepared by James Williams, Realtor; Office Manager; and Top Producer at REMAX Premier Properties. He focuses on helping sellers and buyers in the Central Florida Market www.HomesInMyOrlando.com James has served as a Board Director at the Osceola Association of Realtors ‘15 - ‘18, and as a State Leader for Florida CRS - Certified Residential Specialist ‘15 - ‘18. Contact him at 321-402-6261 or jaw3remax@gmail.com


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