For This Central Florida Property Feature, Time is Money!

If you ask the web, “what does Time is Money mean?” it tells you that time is a valuable resource, so do things as quickly as you can. That’s one way to look at it—from a superior, it probably means, “stop wasting time” or “get back to work!”
But when it comes to property values—certainly including those here in Central Florida—it has another valid application. Of interest to anyone who owns (or will own) a property in Central Florida is this: 
When it comes to landscaping, time truly is money. And the clock is ticking.
The time, in this case, is the amount of time it takes to grow a tree, or a hedge—or any plant that will add livability to your property. Barrier plants are one example. They can protect a hilltop yard from exposure to an otherwise annoying prevailing wind. Barrier hedges can provide valuable privacy—a less expensive and more eye-pleasing alternative to fencing. Given time, defensive plants (thorny ones) can provide a literally impenetrable barrier and the security it represents.
Then there are the trees. More than just beauty, mature trees provide shady destination points for the garden, wildlife-attracting shelter for songbirds—as well as conveying an aura of permanence that lends substance to any property. Not to mention, well-positioned shade trees can directly lower summertime cooling bills.
All of these benefits can be had by spending a fortune by buying mature plants and the skilled local landscape gardeners to establish them, or by spending relatively little by planting seedlings and saplings as soon as possible. When sited artfully, the value of the mature plants will be as described. But better still, the pride of having designed them for the utility that grows year by year can’t help but add to your enjoyment.
When it comes to your own Central Florida property, foresightful selection in the plants you choose and their place on the property will pay big dividends in its salability and the value it commands. When it comes to landscaping, in other words, time is money.
As a side note, timing a purchase or sale can mean money, too—especially in today’s low-interest home loan environment. Call me!  

Prepared by James Williams, Realtor; Office Manager; and Top Producer at REMAX Premier Properties. He focuses on helping sellers and buyers in the Central Florida Market James has served as a Board Director at the Osceola Association of Realtors ‘15 - ‘18, and as a State Leader for Florida CRS - Certified Residential Specialist ‘15 - ‘18. Contact him at 321-402-6261 or


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