Selling Your Central Florida House — Vital Decluttering Word
When it comes to selling your Central Florida house, the word that pops up in every discussion is the ubiquitous “decluttering.” Decluttering means exactly what it says: removing clutter in all its forms. Not just the debris that piles up in every Central Florida household (old magazines, less-than-priceless dust-catchers, toys that have seen better days, etc.), but also some more prominent articles that overfill space. But when it comes to taking real action in a decluttering campaign, there is another word whose value can’t be overemphasized. The reason that de cluttering is something that needs to be discussed at all is that it can be painfully hard to execute. It means giving up something that has value, or at least used to have value—and which through familiarity has become comfortable to be around. You may not have used that set of TV dinner trays that halfway block the garage entrance door, but who says you won’t need them? Those bookends that are actually cut from a...